We provide our neighbors,friends, and family with quality gold mining claims they can enjoy for ages to come.

Your success, is our success. If you're not too familiar with the practices and techniques of prospecting for gold, that's okay. You have a lot of fun summers ahead to get the hang of it, and the best part of it is, we'll be there for you when you need advice and hands on training. We want to show you the gold on your mining claim and teach you how to get it. We want your success.
​Go for it. Take a little time for yourself. Enjoy the great outdoors. Get some peace of mind in the mountains. Go prospecting, fish, camp, hunt, hike, and explore. Meet friends. Find your fortune on your new mining claim!
Plan ahead! You never know when times could get difficult. Have a back up plan. But always know your mining claim is waiting for you.
You get the best mining claims we have located to date. These mining claims are situated in Idaho's richest mining districts. They are proven producers. Gold claims in these desired areas are few and far between. Mineral rights are a real property, and can be sold, traded, gifted, or willed. With rising gold prices these mining claims become even more valuable, making your investment worth more!!

Travis with friend Pierre.